Thursday, October 21, 2010

Snowboard Addiction




Snowboard Addiction is a unique snowboard coaching company. We specialize in online coaching and make it affordable for everyone, everywhere. our mission is to explode YOUR riding.

We are famous for our freestyle coaching program that can be purchased via download or DVD worldwide.We also have a learn to ride program developed for first time snowboarders.

Our DVD and downloadable programs are backed with a 120% money back guarantee. If you don't learn anything that dramatically improves your riding, we'll refund you 20% more than your purchase price.

Check out our free lessons to get started.

Freestyle Program

The Snowboard Addiction program is known world-wide for being the most all-inclusive snowboard series for freestyle riding, trick tips and instruction.

Our latest program contains 5 DVD’s – 4 DVD’s of instructional video plus 1 DVD containing manuals and MP3’s:

  • All video’s can be viewed in either regular or goofy.
  • The videos and audios are optimized for your iPod so you can crank it while on the hill.
  • It can be purchased on DVD or by instant download.

The program will teach you steez and enable you to always ride with style. We teach you how to:
  • Safely push your boundaries.
  • Remove your mental blocks.
  • Dominate your fear.
  • Create the confidence to throw down.

What would it be like to be the best on your local hill having all your friends wonder how you got so good? Snowboard Addiction enables you to explode your riding, when you want to, at an affordable price.

All that cash you threw down for a board, boots, bindings, jacket, pants, gloves, beanies, hoodies, socks, thermals, bandannas and goggles may look sick… but it won’t make you a rad rider. For a fraction of that price you can grab the freestyle program and explode your riding to really impress the ladies! …. or men!

FOR PARENTS: Snowboarders are going to try crazy tricks. The chances of them getting injured will greatly decrease with expert coaching. This program is designed by experienced professionals who have been coaching for years and have witnessed an amazing progression in the size of parks and the skills of riders. BE SAFE. Get your kids some valuable coaching from someone who actually knows what it takes to be a great rider.

DVD 1: Jumping Volume 1

Watch this DVD in either regular or goofy!

Contains approximately 30 minutes of quality jumping instruction.

It focuses on 180s and 360s giving you all the ins and outs for leaning how to spin these tricks.

The videos cover:

  • An easy 6 step progression to learning 180s
  • Frontside, backside, cab (switch frontside), and switch backside
  • Spotting your landings blind on back 1s
  • Shiftie 180s

  • Everything you need to know about backside and frontside 360s
  • Dryland 360s, side hits, line of entry, spotting your landing

Bonus video included:
  • Board Tuning. Board maintenance for park riders.

Riding by: Nev Lapwood & Dan Gerstner

Location: Whistler Blackcomb

DVD 2: Jibbing Volume 1

Watch this DVD in either regular or goofy!

Contains over 30 minutes of quality jibbing instruction.

Provides an in depth analysis of some basic jib tricks including handplants.

The videos cover:

  • Exercises to prepare for your first 50-50s
  • Body position aspects
  • 50-50ing through kinks, rainbows, c-boxes and other features
  • Frontside and backside 50-50s onto street-style features.

  • Everything you need to know about Backside and Frontside Boardslides
  • The shuffle technique,
  • Coming out regular or to fakie
  • Using rotation vs counter-rotation with your body
  • Boardslides through kinked rails
  • Frontside and backside boardslides onto street style features

  • Backside and frontside handplants in a quarter-pipe
  • How to: approach, position your body, pop, landing tactics, what grabs work well

Bonus video included:
  • Balance bar. How to train for jibbing in the off-season.

Riding by: Nev Lapwood & Dan Gerstner

Location: Whistler Blackcomb & Camp of Champions

DVD 3: Jumping Volume 2

Video Teasers:

Introduction to Jumping

Intermediate Jumping

Advanced Spinning

Watch this DVD in either regular or goofy!

Contains over 40 minutes of quality jumping instruction filmed in high definition.

It focuses on how to actively use your body when jumping and provides a detailed outline of the 4 keys of spinning.

The videos cover:

  • Getting air
  • Popping
  • Ollies
  • Nollies
  • Hitting park jumps
  • Shifties
  • Grabs
  • Boning grabs
  • Spinning frontside 3s, 5s and 7s
  • Spinning backside 3s, 5s and 7s
  • Creating a platform to spin from
  • Setting up for spins
  • Releasing spins
  • Spotting your landing

Riding by: Nev Lapwood

Locations: Northstar at Tahoe & Whistler Blackcomb

DVD 4: Jibbing Volume 2

Video Teasers:

Introduction to Jibbing

Advanced Jibbing

Watch this DVD in either regular or goofy!

Contains over 30 minutes of quality jibbing instruction filmed in high definition.

It focuses on how to alter your body for a bunch of different jib tricks.

The videos cover:

  • 50-50s
  • Boardslides
  • Frontboards
  • Nose and tail slides
  • Nose and tail presses
  • 180’s out of 50-50’s, nose presses and tail presses
  • Changes ups
  • Tailslide 270s
  • Frontblunt 270s
  • Pretzels

Riding by: Nev Lapwood and Matt Majersky

Location: Northstar at Tahoe

DVD 5: Data Disc, Manuals and Audios

This data disc opens in a computer not a DVD player. It contains mp3 audios and pdf manuals to accompany the videos.

MP3 Audio:

Whack them on your ipod, listen as you ride!

There’s a bunch of audios covering Jumping, Jibbing, Pipe, Wallrides and Handplants.

Mental Training Manual:

  • Harnessing the power of visualization
  • Stomp tricks after bad slams
  • Mastering the mental game

Physical Training Manual:

  • All related to how it’ll help with your shredding
  • Flexibility training
  • Strength training
  • Cardiovascular training
  • Plyometrics training
  • Injury prevention

How to Get Sponsored Manual:

  • The 4 reasons a company will sponsor you
  • How to publicizing yourself to companies
  • What’s your unique selling point
  • Creating a snowboard lifestyle

Bonuses Included:

  • One minute Snowboard mind miracle
  • System integration manual

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